
Panasonic HX

A decentralised & efficient, energy solution
aiming to create decarbonised and resilient facilities.

This image is for illustration purposes and may differ from the actual carbon-neutral equipment manufacturing facility.

This image is for illustration purposes and may differ from the actual carbon-neutral equipment manufacturing facility.


We believe that our energy solutions will facilitate/drive the transition to renewable energy and support a decarbonised future for businesses.

Our goal is to enhance energy resilience and to minimise our carbon footprint contributing to a decarbonised society by 2050. See more at Panasonic GREEN IMPACT.

* Disclaimer: when using green hydrogen and running autonomously without grid reliance or in conjunction with green grid energy.
104 %
Energy efficiency through electricity & waste heat.
*Latest model PH3
100 kW
Generated from 10 stacked Fuel Cell units in just 57.2 m² of space
0 CO2
CO2 emissions during operations.*
* Disclaimer: when using green hydrogen and running autonomously without grid reliance or in conjunction with green grid energy.

Three Power Sources & EMS

Panasonic HX is a system that integrates three power sources to provide stable, renewable energy for your business:

This image is for illustration purposes.
  1. 01Panasonic Hydrogen Fuel Cells
  2. 02Storage Batteries
  3. 03Renewable Energy (Photovoltaic Panels, etc)

With the three power sources and our automated Energy Management System (EMS), the energy provision is stabilised and resilient. The electricity and heat sources are optimally managed, reducing volatility from the supply of renewable energy.

Panasonic HX is a scalable solution. Modularity ensures customers' diverse energy demands is met with supply, scaling the application when they need more electricity by adding more fuel cells and PV panels.


A highly accurate and automated Energy Management System (EMS) ensures an efficient supply of electricity and heat - a by-product of Panasonic’s Hydrogen Fuel Cell electricity generation.

This image is for illustration purposes.


To deliver reliability and peace of mind, the Panasonic HX solution provides independence and stability from grid power.

Our system can overcome unpredictable weather conditions and energy instability, offering uninterrupted resilience in day-to-day business operations thanks to our intelligent EMS and our fuel cells bridging the gap of the PV.

This image is for illustration purposes and may differ from the actual carbon-neutral equipment manufacturing facility.

transformation for
your Business

Be ahead of the curve in transitioning towards a decarbonised business.

This image is for illustration purposes and may differ from the actual carbon-neutral equipment manufacturing facility.

Panasonic Hydrogen
Fuel Cells

To achieve up to 104% efficiency*, the Panasonic Fuel Cell optimises both electricity and exhaust heat.
*Estimate based on our LHV.

The compact design allows for installation at customer sites, even when available space is limited.

This image is for illustration purposes.


Panasonic’s intelligent Energy Management System optimises the three power sources to match supply with demand and to predict future requirements.

Panasonic HX's highly accurate EMS uses AI and cloud technology to delegate the energy sources, according to facility demand, time of day, and weather conditions.

This image is for illustration purposes.

HX Kusatsu

Kusatsu - Japan
Launched in 2022
  • Objective: Proof of concept for future introduction to the market.

  • Current status: 98% of the energy needs of the plant supplied by Panasonic HX.

HX Cardiff

Cardiff - Wales
Launched 2024
  • Objective: Proof of concept for Carbon Neutrality in its operations and cost optimisation at the plant.

  • Status: Start of power generation: December 2024.

HX Munich

Munich - Germany
Starts 2025
  • Objective: Proof of concept for Carbon Neutrality (CN*) of its operations alongside cost optimisation and energy resilience in offices.

  • Status: Scheduled to be operational in Spring 2025.

    *only when using green hydrogen becomes available